How do I calculate the shipping to my country?

To get estimated shipping costs, take the following steps:

1. Add all items you wish to purchase to your cart.

2. On the cart page, select "Proceed to checkout" underneath the basket totals.


3. Once there enter your Country, State (Where applicable), City and Postal Code/Zip Code and press update.


4. Your shipping options will be displayed on the right-hand side of the page based on what is available for your region and the weight class of the order. 



If nothing is available at this point there has either been an error with the address or our system please do contact Customer support with the error!


If there is no error but shipping options are still not available then this is likely due to us currently not having your country within our agreements with our shipping providers. We apologise for the inconvenience and hopefully, we will be able to add it soon.

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